
Stress and Anxiety Advice - Essential Vitamins to manage stress

Stress has become a normal part of modern life. It seems that everyone is stressed about their problems or their lifestyle. But, have you ever noticed how people react to the same situation differently. Some of us get stressed easily, while others seem to handle it very effectively. Why the difference?

One of the main reasons for this is our food. It was observed that healthy people can handle stress more effectively. What we eat every day the effects of brain and body chemistry and therefore the ability to handle stress.

Vitamin and mineral supplements play an important role in how to manage stress and anxiety. It was found that one third of disorders related to anxiety, depression and stress are caused by a deficiency of vitamins or minerals is important in the body.

Let a summary of who and how vitamins play an important role in relieving pressure on a daily basis and thus relieve anxiety long term

Vitamin A - This vitamin plays an important role in the maintenance of healthy skin, to build immunity and control of growth hormones. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant and is an excellent anti-stress.

Vitamin D - It plays a role in the synthesis, production and release of serotonin (a hormone to feel good) The main source of vitamin D is sunlight .. Lack of this vitamin can lead to irritability, fatigue and depression. It is therefore advisable to sunlight for at least 30 minutes a day.

Vitamin B Complex - Vitamin B complex plays a key role in the fight against stress on the body and the use of minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. These vitamins work best when taken with food. Niacin amide (Vitamin B) helps in the metabolism of crypto, an amino acid that helps in the formation of serotonin.

Vitamin B also helps to calm the nerves. Pyridoxine also plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of nerves. Biotin and Folic acid helps in the utilization of food and release of energy, increasing our resistance.

Vitamin E - A powerful antioxidant that helps remove free radicals from the body and provides the body's resistance and contributes to the formation of a strong immunity.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and helps keep the adrenal glands in a healthy state and regulates the synthesis and release of the hormone cortisone (stress hormone)

Apart from these vitamins, minerals including magnesium and zinc play an important role in alleviating and combating stress and keep your heart healthy. Regular consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements under medical supervision to help build your strength and thus help fight stress every day - every day.

how can i reduce stress naturally

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